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Lost Souls Lost

Ring 1 (Subject)

1. A Genealogy of values

2. A Polemic

Scarred motion/ the broken tissue again/

toward/fresh motion cast for liquid/ the

ways:/ emblazoned paycheck abides aerosol nights/ for a combustion of promise made/promise false in dank crevasse leers attending the conversation less a swallowing of pride begrimed third fourth fifth eyes on clear frozen coolers

Flesh is reopened nightly to pull in

Clouded alleys where cats’ meows

press into the solar plexus crowding

A singing song mute beyond bars

Of glowing slits in blinds cast shadowy

affairs, that imprison outside wanderers

evocative memory of great torment reeling

the invoking caste the slumber in mind

my alley heels clop-clop shred the pace

of bodies colliding behind venetian slits where

blind sex spreads for bejeweled crown and thoughts

of what late night calls to parliament could

request, for honor such, 1 crown forged turquoise

ruby across the black trim of my alley

for the flesh I make writhings, sweat we taste

forced to

by gems of turquoise, amber and all gold trim

of loyalty crow

of thorn cells peace of wandering eyes

are self-deprecating and ratting at blinds bars

at half mast projecting naked woman full sight

tween angels trumpets the taste of her purity

rattled, poisoned seeds of Jimson Weed

This sight means nothing but to stoke desire


The subtlest romance of night sounds

And skylight trails no longer follow her unmarked trails no longer is this tincture remarkable so has the rug, the quench been pulled from under days with fragrance of pasture dung a gloam of birthday cake candles shine now all in vein reminded of her unmarked trails

slits in blinds

Tone of lost souls lost

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