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Illuminations in Hell

The astral silence has never been

lighted up by ventriloquists

of bluing and clabber

the opera comique does not refuse

a shit to crouching before this

Ithyphallic barbarian’s

mystical spasms

Oh higher than the fair syrinx

scoured and terrified O Queen of Zion

Paris is a Phrygian nightingale

leaning on his cascading cowards

swarms of shadows cutting into

great conquering croziers

pinned up by

clownish syphilitic’s black eyelashes

illuminations little corpse

a leisurely bohemian

implores delirium

this comrade of mine

and big discreet nipple quiver

is an epileptic half-drunken ochreous

Oh infinite egoism threatened the humbug

O pale Ophelia reconstruct the soft boiled

blood of belladonnas trembles

sustained by stick bills

out of scepters slash

the rose-tinted Khengavas

with blond ovaries

the butcher has sharpened

my gigantically beautiful

sounds of the killing

stretched out thirty

or forty rises sloth

Greaaaat Maaaary!

Immortal white Selene hip wrigglers triumphant

the age of murderers jauntily very close

very close

pale vertebrae overcome by

lachrymal thirst for Leviathan

endless night would have frightened

the bullfinch who grafted in

black demons and black alchemy

lunar figures of sir Beelzebub

fasten on to snarling dreams

of my first communion

death day dreaming

the anus have revealed

the sweet-smelling


still ruminating

Sodoms and Solymas

played on small nervous mingles

with gladiolas Brazens and catechumen

nymphs of Horace potbellied

and whipped the convicts phosphorous

numbered under the mendicant

pasteboard armor embroidered with indistinct

bluebeard entices the unfathomable scum

muttering beaten

can no longer speak

like a dog’s muzzle perfumed

with cabbage-green and

flowed into its funeral echoes

a carbonic plague of

wheezy two breasts

plucked the soiled perfume

ancient comedy rings in

the drunkenness

arranged abracadabratic in

the orgies of bloody woods

mahogany pillars have pardoned

and constantly swelling

Flemish punch breathes out

warm excrement of

Bacchic hiccups


carries the blessed

polemics Parisian stain

of populace knots

of hysteria

Created with The Poetry Machine

Text from:

A Season in Hell & Illuminations, Arthur Rimbaud

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