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Art Works

invites visual artists from all disciplines and styles to post works of Art that emphasize the re-appropriation of commonplace objects and materials. All works of art are welcome, but this shop is particularly interested in pieces that call into question our mindless consumerism by injecting superfluous products with a strange inventiveness that calls for a closer look and demands further reflection.  

Blown out tires on the side of the interstate, grimy PVC pipes half-buried in the woods, a kitchen sink, barbed wire, an abandoned dog house, boxes of cereal, a bird cage, back alley televisions, rotting doors, old burnt doors, barn wood, tarps, surf boards, trash, one man’s trash is an artist’s treasure, an artist’s treasure is Third Hand’s delight. A toilet smashed to bits with all those bits being painted different colors before being reassembled would be quite a sight to see. Third Hand would not object to such a piece being sold for tens of thousands of dollars.

*Until further notice, all sales and membership inquiries will be arranged through your anti-CEO directly. Please visit the Contact page for his contact information. 

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